Hi, friend!

Well hi, thanks for being interested in what I’m all about!

The basics: I’m Savannah Price, a 20-year-old crochet designer, college student, author, reality TV watcher, etc from Kentucky, USA.

I started to crochet in 2020, during the summer before my freshman year of college. I made that Harry Styles cardigan for myself (with no pattern, since I didn’t know what that even was), then I just never stopped!

My journey with crochet

  • I began crocheting in the summer of 2020, then started posting my makes to my Instagram in October 2020. In December, I posted my first “hit”: a cat blanket I made for Christmas for my mom!

  • Over the course of 2022, I started to gain more attention on Instagram— first with Alaska Crochet’s cat sweater, then with one of my first original designs: the Floweralls!

    For the first time, I had people asking me for a pattern for my own creation, so I obliged and made my first crochet pattern! The Floweralls pattern was released in August 2021.

    In December, I received a DM that changed my life. An editor at Page Street Publishing had noticed my Floweralls, and invited me to hop on a call with them to discuss a potential crochet pattern book— and the rest is history! (Not really, I’ll explain it all in 2022).

  • And so the book writing began! I released my second pattern, the Solar Flares, in February 2022, just days after I signed the contract for my book.

    From February to July, my life was entirely crochet (with a little bit of classwork in there, since I was a college student at the time, too!). I was either crocheting, managing my rapidly-growing Instagram, or doing classwork 24/7 for about 6 months straight.

    After I turned in the manuscript in July, I decided I needed a break— which conveniently coincided with my semester abroad in Canterbury, England. From August on, I was nowhere to be found on social media (but was still working behind the scenes on editing & finishing all the little book details).

  • I returned to Instagram in February 2023, rested from my break & ready to get back into the swing of things! I spent my semester recreating every one of my book pieces so I could take step-by-step photos better formatted for the versions of the book patterns that are sold on Etsy, Ravelry, and Ribblr.

    During the summer, alongside an internship & summer classes, I worked on book promo 24/7…

    …and RETRO CROCHET STYLE was released on September 5th, 2023! Or it will be, as I’m writing this just past midnight on August 8th. The launch went exceedingly well, I became an instant #1 NYT bestseller, etc etc.

    After the book release, I’ll have 18 (!!) patterns available for individual sale, 15 of which are included in the book.

    Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me — feel free to browse a little longer on the site!